It may surprise you to know that all our leather goods are stitched completely by hand without the aid of any machines. I stitch by hand, one for aesthetics, and two for durability that only hand stitching can achieve. Not that there is anything wrong with a sewing machine, but there are significant differences that are valuable to understand. Technically speaking, a product stitched by hand is stronger and more durable than one stitched using a machine. Thicker and stronger waxed threading is used when stitching by hand and can produce a much more durable and beautiful looking stitch than a machine can achieve. Also hand stitched, or saddle stitching becomes a part of the aesthetics of the finished product. Stitching by hand is very time consuming and does add to the cost of the leather goods, but also brings great satisfaction to the artisan and the end-user.
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Author 作者Chris Fischer Archives
July 2018
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