![]() This bag was designed for an exhibition in Taiwan. I wanted to design a bag that I thought reflected something unique about Taiwan and my experiences living here for the past 20 years. One of the 1st things about Taiwan that grabbed my attention the 1st day I arrived was the swarm of motorbikes that covered the streets. ![]() Motorbikes or scooters are by far the preferred form of transportation throughout Taiwan and they vastly outnumber all other forms of transportation on the densely-populated Island. These compact modes of transportation are favored for their convenience in parking and inexpensive maintenance. But as convenient as they are, they are also quite dangerous and it's not uncommon to see accidents daily. I myself have been in 2 over the years, resulting in breaking a shoulder in each accident. I have since thrown in the towel and now drive a car with lots of airbags..! Regardless, these bikes have left a deep impression on my life and so I decided to create a luxury bag built around the properties of a scooter tire. ![]() Coming up with a design I really liked that would work well with the shape and weight of the tire was challenging at 1st, but eventually the concept came to life. The 1st challenge I had starting out was finding the right tire for the job. So, I went to a large motorbike shop and to my surprise after hearing about my plans to design a bag out of a tire they began to enthusiastically bring out every tire they had in their collection for me to choose from. This made finding the right tire a whole lot easier and they have my sincerest appreciation..! ![]() To make this project a piece of art and not just a bag I wanted to incorporate the use of a variety of exotic leathers, such as horse leather, gazelle fur, and fine Italian tanned leathers on different components of the bag to give it a richly exotic look and feel. To lighten the weight of the bag I have removed any unnecessary rubber from the tire and have used extra thick (3mm thick) Leather to provide the bag with strength and support for the tires shape and weight. Every component you see on the bag was cut, dyed, and stitched together by hand using only traditional techniques... The end result was better than I could have expected! ![]() After spending about 2 months coming up with a design I spent about another 50 -60 hours to build the bag itself! Since then I have come up with 3 distinct designs for the tire bag for both larger and smaller tires. If you'd like to see more pictures of this bag and some of my other leather artwork and designs, please visit my page at www.fischerworkshops.com Thanks!!! Chinese Translation - 這個包包是為台灣的一個展覽而設計的,我想設計一個能反映台灣的獨特及我在這生活20年經歷的包包。抵達台灣的第一天抓住我注意力的第一件事是滿街的摩托車,摩托車是台灣最受歡迎的交通工具,在人口密集的島嶼上,其使用率遠遠超過所有其他的交通工具,這種小型的交通工具因方便停車和廉價的維修費而受到大眾青睞,它雖方便但也非常危險,每天看到交通事故並不稀奇。在過去這些年我自己就發生二次事故,每次各斷一根肩膀鎖骨,在那之後我投降了,現在開車車上還有好幾個安全氣囊!無論如何,這些摩托車在我的生活留下了深刻的印象,所以我決定以機車輪胎來創作一個豪華包包。我設計了一款個人非常喜歡且能配合輪胎形狀的包包,首先面對的挑戰即輪胎的重量,但最終這個作品設計好了。我的第一個挑戰是找到適合的輪胎,所以,我去了一個大型摩托車店,我很驚訝當他們聽到我要用輪胎做一個包包時,他們熱情地展示店內所有的輪胎供我選擇,這使找到一個合適的輪胎變得很容易,我真心的感謝他們的幫忙。為了使這個作品成為一件藝術品,而不是僅僅一個包包,我使用各種特別的皮革,如馬皮,羚羊毛皮和精緻的義大利鞣製皮革在包包的不同位置,好讓這個包包有與眾不同的外觀和感覺。為了減輕包包的重量,我從輪胎上除去任何不必要的橡膠,並使用較厚(3mm)的皮革來加強支持輪胎的形狀和重量。你在包包上看到的每一片皮,從切割、染色到傳統工法縫合全以手工完成。最終的成果比我預期的更好!我花了大約2個月的時間構思設計,又花了50-60小時製作。從那時起我共設計了三種不同的大小輪胎包。如果你想看到更多這個輪胎包的圖片和一些其他皮革藝術品和設計,請參閱我的網頁www.fischerworkshops.com謝謝!
9/27/2019 11:44:32 pm
Today my mind keeps flying to places it has never been before. I feel the odds are changing. I am getting more confused. I see opportunities but I look at it like a trap. I guess I shouldn't be jumping at the first sight of an opening. I will wait for a pattern. I will wait for it to fail. I am going to study carefully how many times it can win or lose in a row. I will make sure to enter only games where I am going to win for sure. It's the best way to gamble. You only gamble when you are being challenged. They say it's the right way.
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